Support Lost Shark Exploration
Hi Everyone, I’m Dr. Dave Ebert, better known as the “Lost Shark Guy” because I’ve dedicated my 35-year career to discovering little known or unknown sharks before they disappear. Why? Because these canaries in the coal mine can tell us more about what’s really happening to our marine environment, so we can plan better conservation measures!
As I plan my next search for Lost Sharks, I’d really appreciate your support. You can help fund this expedition at my GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-lost-sharks-expeditions
A little about me: I’m the Director of the Pacific Shark Research Center and President of the American Elasmobranch Society as well as author of 30 books, including the popular Sharks of the World. Having led over 50 expeditions throughout the world’s oceans and discovered more than 100 new species, I’ve appeared on programs for the BBC, National Geographic, Discovery Channel, ABC’s Good Morning America and others. I’ve even been lucky enough to find some Lost Shark species while filming on location.
I’m currently preparing for my next trip to East Africa, South Africa, and Madagascar as soon as travel restrictions have lifted. The support I’m seeking will result in more field expeditions, document Lost Shark species, and develop a field guide to Western Indian Ocean sharks and rays.
For nearly 10 years, I’ve trained local researchers, NGOs and traditional fishers to use these field guides to identify and track the different sharks and rays they encounter in order to develop better policy and conservation measures for their regions.
This is my passion, and I’ve devoted countless hours to Lost Shark discoveries. While I realize this is a difficult time to ask for support, the funds raised will enable me to continue with this vital work—work that impacts the future of our oceans and our species.
I would appreciate any support you can give. I’d also love for you to follow me on Facebook @lostsharks or on Instagram
@lostsharkguy, or spread the word by sharing the links on your Facebook Timeline and other social media platforms. And check out Land of the Lost Sharks on #SharkWeek2020
Thank you very much for your consideration and support - Dave